A Comprehensive Guide to Alaska Fishing License

Do you know about Alaska fishing license? And how much is a fishing license in Alaska? It is an earmarked rule for fishing in Alaska state. Maximum passionate anglers love to fishing in Alaska. If you decide to make a fishing trip in this area, you must need to know the final rules and regulations for Alaska fishing.

Similarly, it is mandatory to know the waterway law as much as possible. A sport license is required for those aged 16 and above. Also, you will need the king salmon stamp for catching more abundant size salmon. I am a cray fishing lover of Alaska, and often wish to make the various trip. Today I am going to share with you my experience. Let’s know in-details about the Alaska fishing license cost, fishing permits and salmon stamp cost.

Alaska fishing license cost:

Alaska fishing license is available in various charge based on resident, non-resident, military person, veterans and also aged over 60 years. Alaska department of fish and game determines this individual price for all. Mainly this cost is divided into two categories, resident and Alaska non-resident fishing license. Here is the updated Alaska fishing license cost 2020 enlisted for you.

Resident Fishing License 


Price: $24

Resident Hunting License


Price: $25

Resident License for Fishing and Hunting:

Duration: 1-Year

Price: $48

Resident King Salmon Stamp:


Price: $10

Resident Duck Stamp:

Duration: 1-Year

Price: $25

Non-resident Sport Fishing License:

Duration Price
1 Day $20
3 Day $35
7 Day $55
14 Day $80
1-Year $145

Non-resident Hunting and Sport Fishing License:

Hunting Sport Fishing Price
1-Year 1-Year $230
1-Year 1-Day $105
1-Year 3-Day $120
1-Year 7-Days $140
1-Year 14-Days $165

Non Resident King Salmon Stamp and Duck Stamp:

Types Duration Price
Salmon Stamp 1-Day $10
Salmon Stamp 3-Day $20
Salmon Stamp 7-Day $30
Salmon Stamp 14-Day $50
Salmon Stamp 1-Year $100
Waterfowl Duck Stamp 1-Year $5

Alaska fishing license online:

Though you can buy Alaska fishing and game license from your nearest grocery shop or fishing equipment selling the shop, it is far easy to obtain a permit from online. The department of Alaska game and fish license providing all kinds of grants and stamp for king salmon and waterfowl duck. As well as a big game tag for hunting any wolf, sheep, bull musk. It will save you time as well as reduce trouble to buy grocery shop. So you should decide which license you need and buy from online you can find here (http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=license.main).

Looking for more insights on Fishing License? You may find this post valuable. Where to Fish Without a License in California: Top Spots Revealed

Alaska fishing license for seniors:

State of Alaska fishing license for seniors is individual from another permit. Typically, over 60 years’ people of Alaska who regularly maintained the rules and regulation of Alaska fishing will get a permanent identity card. They have to apply to the fish and game’s office to get these advantages. As a result, the senior’s resident won’t pay any cost in the next time. They can take benefits from hunting and fishing without any cost.

Age Range for Alaska Fishing License:

Fish and game department fixed some age range based on resident, non-resident and fishing or hunting types. So the people can quickly learn which license is essential in which age. The resident people under 18 age doesn’t need to buy a trapping, fishing or hunting license. On the other hand, non-resident under 16 age child needs to purchase fishing. Similarly, resident and non-resident under ten age child have not to permit harvest cards. Both of them can use the supervising harvest ticket.

Things you should keep with you in Alaska fishing

For making your Alaska journey more recreational and comfortable, you can bring some most essential things with you. These are-

  • Food for own
  • Simple camera & Video camera
  • Rain gear
  • Fishing, hunting and trapping license
  • Duck and salmon stamp

Dress types for Alaska Fishing

Typically, the dress is depending on the season, environment and fishing location. For Alaska fishing, you try to dress up with a hoodie, long sleeve shirt, waterproof and windproof jacket. As well as waterproof boot is essential.


How Long is License Good for Alaska?

Generally, the permanent or resident license is suitable for purchase date to the last month of the year. But there is an exception to trapping license. It is right from the purchase date to next year 30th September. And for the non-resident public good to buy a permit for 1, 3, 7 or 14 days.

Do I need a King Salmon Stamp?

Yes! You need a salmon stamp for handling more abundant salmon. Otherwise, it will be pretty impossible to go with salmon fish.

Do I Need a Big Game Tag?

You need a big game tag if you want to hunt wolf, sheep, grizzly bear, goat or any other larger size animals.

Dive deeper into Fishing License by checking out this article. Do You Need Fishing License on Private Property? Discover the Facts

Final Words

You must have to a license while you would like to a fishing trip, hunting, playing, trapping, business or any person travelling in Alaska. As well as a permit fishing, you will need a specific tag for harvesting crops, or a stamp for hunting duck in this state. Hope you are now clearly learning all about Alaska fishing license. So, purchase your license for not to miss the excellent hunting, fishing, trapping and harvesting trip in the state of Alaska. If you have any more question, then let me know.

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